Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First night after camp.....

We really did not know what kind of shape the girls would be in after 6 hours of camp.  We picked them up and they were ramped up!!  We took video of each of them to hear about their day.  We will post those here, too, as they are not only educational, but hilarious.  I am thinking drama camp next year!!  They fought over screen time to log their day.  They are keepers.  I will download them tonight!

After their video diaries, they asked, "What are we doing tonight???!?"  So, we ate and off we went to Downtown Disney.  We always love DD as a great kickoff as it is huge for the pin trading kids.  We started at the pin store and then they were off trading!   It is sooo fun!  Adults are not allowed to do it, but Steve cannot help himself. He wears the over flow lanyard which contain pins the girls collected that they will, in their words, NEVER get rid of...  with Steve holding them, they are sure not to get traded by accident.  We laughed so hard because Cam's hold time for particular pins was like 45 seconds.  They will trade pins again when we hit Animal Kingdom this week. 

After DD, we went to the resort pool. It is very nice and has 4 pools.  It is very hot and the pools were warm. The kiddie area was the coldest water, so they stayed there most of the night.  The pix are cute!!

Watching the rain.....

Downtown Disney...see their pin lanyards. Maria has her pins on from when she was seven. These ended up
in the NEVER trade pile for her. She needed to reload. After reloading, Cam had a meltdown as her pins went all the way around her neck. Pinchy pins, 100 degrees, seven years old, sandals = meltdown number one of the trip!  haha!  We got her straight, with the overflow DAD lanyard, and she was good to go!


Let the trading begin!!

If they see nothing they like they can say "no thank you". NEVER happened. The thrill of the trade was so awesome, they were even picking "mystery" picks. This is when staff turns the pin around and all you see is the stick pin in the risk!!  The name of the game is to collect Hidden Mickey pins...those are the valuable ones and always go to DAD overflow! 

Legoland....dragon all legos!!

Time to cool off!!! 

Love this!!

Room 625!  End of a long, long day!  Still smiling!!


Trading Pins said...

Hello! Two things - first of all your Maltipoo at the top of your blog has a TWIN! I wish I could post the pics of ours (I am assuming its a Maltipoo). If you saw ours - you'd swear they were related!

Second - love your pics of the pin trading - my wife and I are completely nuts over pin trading!

jac said...

Thanks for the comments! We love it, too! Our dog, Ozzy, is actually a Havanese dog. He is now a little over a year old. Where are you from?