Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 2 - Orlando

We kicked off Day 2 by dropping girls off at camp.  Steve and I then headed over to Islands of Adventure for the day.  It was awesome and packed!!  Seriously, that new Harry Potter land there was unreal!

The girls knew we were heading there after camp. They changed there, ate in the car and headed into the hot, busy park!  I really did alot of reading before hand and it is really necessary to have a game plan. If not, you feel like you are in a nightmare tornado!  Steve and I figured out our direct plan for the night before we got them.  Once we hit the attractions we planned, then we fit some others in.  In the evening, with the girls we rode Cat in the Hat, went to Poseidon's Fury, rode Jurassic Park water ride, Popeye and Bluto's water ride, and FINALLY got to ride Harry Potter's Adventure.  We then fit in The Hulk and Spider Man, Dueling Dragons and the Hippogriff. 

Hands down, Harry Potter Adventure was the best.  It is a new "psychological" ride. Sounds weird, eh?  It was unbelievable!  After I got over my full blown panic attack because of the seating contraption ( no, seriously), I  loved it.  For those that like to laugh at claustrophic people...let me describe.  A. you are already pumped up B. Maria and Abby were whisked to the first car and strapped in as it only held 4 people. C. Steve, Cam and I jump in the next "car".  They are individual single file bench seats, full sides, and you can only see the shoes of your neighbor.  Kinda like small individual , tight, FLIPPIN phone booths.
So, Cam is next to me but I only see her shoes and Steve is 2 phone booths down.  TWO down..the one who talks me down cannot even HEAR that I cannot breathe....oh, and did I mention, it is dark? 

So, I start talking to myself and then the BAR comes over your head ( like corkscrew ride)  to make sure you do not fall out.  Um, crap.  So, I cheat and I do not pull it all the way down.  Yes, I would rather fall out than not be able to, then we arrive at the safety attendant to make sure I am strapped into my phone booth/coffin for the ride.  I swear to GOD!  She looked me in the eye and said, in her FAKE ENGLISH HARRY POTTER accent, " Mam, I need 2 more clicks...."  She pushed the bar into my ribs and I heard one click. I shot my hands under it and said, "No more" (with my best "obviously you dont know me look that I learned from my Dad in these situations) and pushed out and she said, " One more, Mam!" and PUSHED it in for one more.....CLICK!  No breathing possible and I screamed for Steve as I saw no panic button and surely if there was a fire or I needed to get out of there....I was dead!!!  haha!  So Steve, passes his hand over the seven year old who is giddily laughing and kicking her adorable feet in happiness, as I had a DEATH grip on Steve's hand! 

But, clearly, best ride in the park!  I can laugh now because I am not in a coffin/phone booth, but it quickly became the joke as the next ride on Dueling Dragons when the lady checked my straps, my darling niece looked over to me and said, in a calm serious voice " you can breathe, Aunt Jacci......"  and yes, I could....ON THAT RIDE!!!  haha!

Here are the picks...we ran them hard and they hung in was a super late night!!  Not alot of pix...too busy!   We did drink ButterBeer in Harry Potter land....

Not clear..bummer...Day 2

SOOOOO FUNNY!  17 hour day....
They told us they wanted a pool day after camp on Wednesday.  They
have officially burned out!!

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