Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First day of school 2010-2011...

The fastest summer on record for us!  The kids all returned to school today.....

Jack starts middle school, Abby is in 4th with Mrs. Crosby, and Cam is in 2nd grade with Mrs. Rogers.  There are 4 Cam's in her class!!!  She is the only girl, so that should not be so bad!! 

We had a great "last day of summer" yesterday and they were eager to get back to work!

The yearly group shot!  Small group this year!
Camryn, Abby, Noah, Kathryn, Libby and Taylor

Abby and Camryn...weird without Jack!!

Laura, Lila, Jacci, and Emily

Jack, an hour later!!

He is with the big kids this year...I did not even go to the bus stop, but zoomed
this pic from down the street!!

Last year!!   What a difference a year makes!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are 3 really adorable kids!