Monday, September 27, 2010

100,000 Buckeyes for a Cure!!!

This is a very cool BC campaign by OSU/Stefanie Spielman Foundation.  They are selling 100,000 buckeyes for 2.50 a piece and will string them together in the biggest OSU buckeye necklace ever!!!!  The ad is Spielman saying "I am number 36, what is yours?" Basically, you get a painted buckeye with your number on it.  V. COOL!! 

Here is the website!  Please pass around.  You can search for my buckeye by putting in Jacci Brown in the search!   Put in the number 1 and you will see that Stefanie Spielman is the first in the necklace! 

Jacci Brown - "My number is 2932, what is yours?"

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