Saturday, February 20, 2010

Swim Meet @ The Complex

This was the fastest swim meet ever!!  60+ events in an hour and a half!  Abby swam her first IM...that means all strokes, 25 meters.  She did great!  She said it was not hard to breathe, just her arms would not move! 

Camryn's teacher came to see her swim tonight. She brought her husband along.  How nice, huh?  Cam was thrilled and hugged them both when they left.  Tonight was her first time swimming 7-8 age group and she did fly for the first time! 

We have a BYE next week and then the Championship at the Mecklenburg Aquatic Center the first
weekend in March!

Mike and Carol Claypool - with her students Camryn and Lexie.  Abby is also in her Hands to Haiti Club after school. 

Cam on the blocks..this first one I did a double that Big R?  That is SO a look he makes!( or maybe she looks like an Avatar?!)

Could not hold the Uncle Ryan look very long..

Abby on the blocks

Abby after the IM!

 Jack gets ready for backstroke

Abby doing back

Jack "flying"

...and breast

and no swim meet is complete without
the Camryn Boogie on the blocks! She will probably
be the theater major someday!