Friday, August 6, 2010


Cannot believe it is already Thursday!  We dropped the girls off and headed to Universal Studios.  Steve was really looking forward to this park!  We got in as much as we could before heading back to SW to get the girls.  It was the hottest day yet and when we got there the girls were ready for the night....they video logged their day and were off to change into clean dry clothes.  We ate at City Walk (port of entry for both Universal and Islands of Adventure). 

We all rode Shrek 4D, Jimmy Neutron,Jaws, The Simpsons, The Mummy and watched Fear Factor.  Cam got picked for Fear Factor volunteer, but freaked out, almost hiding under the bleachers.  We then heard the MC say, " No problem, we will take  her sister with the Love shirt on!"  and down FLIES Vo to the stage area.   Maria looks at me and says, "Hey, they meant me!!"  and she pointed to her shirt!  I laughed so hard, but realized how impressed that the MC assumed Abby was Cam's sister....haha!  I felt bad for Maria, but after seeing how drenched Abs got during the show, I think she changed her mind and was glad Abby jumped down there!  It seems every show we go to Cam gets picked!

Another claustrophobia story.  We get on the "Simpsons" ride and before they send us off the attendant says to our car full of 10 people..."anyone have any trouble with claustrophobia or small spaces?"  Crap.  I raise my hand ( the ONLY one.....great) and she said, " mam, if you run into trouble, we have a sign here at this ride. I would ask you to please hold both hands above you in an  X and we will bring your car down and out immediately."  A. the other 10 people are looking at me like, "listen, you do realize how long we all waited in line and B?  I was SOOO excited that there is a universal claustrophobia sign!!  :)  Who knew!!  Just knowing they had a plan?  No problem for me!!  Harry Potter lady needs to take a cue from these ride!! I almost just wanted to try it out for the heck of it!!  

Heading to pick up yesterday's cameras.  The girls videos will be up soon.  The highlights?  Maria said a baby seal was born the night prior, Cam saw a newborn manatee and fed the adults, and Abby had a mock trainer try out!

Maria and the Camp Song!

Abby - day 4

Camryn - Day 4

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