Wednesday, August 4, 2010

old fashioned cameras

Shoulda bought the cheap digital cameras for the girls before the trip. Yep, Cam had, like, 2 pix come out of her 27. She yells at me..."where are the rest?"   I swear, she will never forget these "old" cameras.  Anyway, here are some of the pix they took.  They are excited about it, and we reloaded them for their last two days with cvs brand one time use cameras! 

Abby's friend Tara from Cambodia.  

Cam in the penguin habitat

Abby- turtles in rehab from oil

Cam. makes me smile. from the dark pix?  this ride and the random riders took up most

Abby penguin habitat


Maria- baby seal!!

Maria- cool!

Maria said her friend Neve took this picture. She is from England.


(many practice shots- I think I see Shamu in the window?)


Maria- dolphin and diving show!
Being that her show was on careers? To try out you had to swim 100 meters without a breath and go down to the bottom of the tank, 24 feet, retrieve a huge weight, and swim up with it.  Steve said, " Dude, you can already DO that are so IN!" 

Cam- see dolphins?

Now that we flip through their pix again. Steve and I agree they look like pictures we took when we were young.  Maria took mostly pix of shows and sets, Abby was mostly of the people in her group and Cam took pictures of about everything.  A fish in an aquarium, a model of a building, a picture of a picture of a plane Seaworld may build that looks like shamu.  Neat to see through their eyes...

I cannot wait to get the next 3 cameras back tomorrow!!

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