Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Hike- Gatlingburg -Post 6

We all went hiking high up in the Smokies.  It was incredible and such fun with all the families!  By the time we reached the top, it was pouring down rain!  We were drenched by the time we reached the bottom...Jack was so in his element!

The girls get ready!
Brooke, Vo, Rachel, Cam, and Hannah

Little and his boys
Brendan and Little

Celeste and her daughter, Taylor.  Taylor is one tough 4 year old!  She hiked that mountain with very little help!
Krantz and Noa
RC and the girls. By the end of the trip, I was calling RC the Pied Piper.
The kids all followed him around because they new that he was always stirring up fun. Jack did not let him out of his sight as he was afraid to miss anything!

Cam, RC, Tracy,and Brown

RC on bench waiting for Celeste and Taylor....I think he was glad he had Taylor to let him 

Tracy and her daughter, Hannah

This is the most visited National Park in the US. It is accessible by 1/2 of all Americans within a 2 day drive

2 minutes before Cam fell off the rocks....It was RC's fault! haha!  

The top!  
The last climb to see the view! 
Drew, Trey, Jack, Jacob, Ethan, and Kyle
Krantz and his family- Noa, Heather,and McKayla

They live in Columbus....
The Browns
The Eckerle Family- Little Lisa's family
Tim, hubby Jeff, Josh, Rachel 
RC's family, minus RC. He did not make the final climb...please note, Taylor
is there!  haha! 
Taylor, Brooke, and Trey
RC and Tracy down below!
The top...Cam is looking for bear!

Tracy and her kids-Hannah, Drew and Kyle- Tampa, FL

The bottom...after the  rain!
Brown and Krantz

Mckayla and Krantz- I love this picture!

Brown, Tracy, RC, Krantz, and Heather Krantz

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