Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vietnam Day .....60+ kids!!

Every other year, I do a class presentation on Vietnam. The kids still get excited about it which gives me goosebumps.  It is nice to see they are excited about their culture.  I had to smile when Miss North Carolina bounded down the steps in her Vietnamese dress and hat  all ready for school.  All three of them could not wait to get on that bus!  I had food made by Ms. Thi in Rock Hill.  She made enough food for 65 kids/teachers and it was unreal!  The biggest hit- her Vietnamese dessert called "Sweet Rice".  Her restaurant is on Main Street in Rock Hill.  The Clintons ate there this past election when Steve and Cam went to a Hilary stomp in Rock Hill.  Pretty cool for a VN refugee to get that kind of customer!  It was alot of fun and the kids are proud of where they were born.  The questions about Vietnam were:

1. "Are there tarantulas there?"

2. "Could I go by boat because my ears hurt on the airplane?"

3." What kind of Chinese food is in Vietnam?"

4." Jack, how do you pronounce your Vietamese name?" 

 Jack who has never cared about this, opened his VN passport and said, perfectly, " Van Minh Thanh" to which the girl in his class said, " Oh, cool!"    ahhhh, music to my ears!! 

 I guess he is listening...

The best was a first grader in Cam's class who said, " I do not think that Vietnam is different, I think it is unfamiliar." 

  WOW!  I will use that one for sure!  Old soul for that little 7 year old! 

I cannot wait to go back to VN soon!  I think the kids are at an awesome age and would suck it up! I had my physical today and my dr said it was time for my tetanus booster as it has been 10 years since I had it in 2000!  Wow!  I told him that I got it right before we went for Abby .....time to go back!!! 

Cam and Mrs. Claypool

Abby and Mrs. Warren

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